Private Lessons


Private Lessons

Three hour private sailing lessons are offered throughout the summer.  All private lessons are taught with an on board instructor in a Flying Scot. Flying Scots generally accommodate one, two, or three students (at least one of whom must be at least 18 years of age). It is not uncommon for two or more family members to share a lesson. Larger groups may require two boats, each with an instructor. Children sailing with a parent must be at least 6 years old and able to swim. 

Schedule a Private Lesson

Please schedule private lessons at least a week in advance whenever possible. Lessons are $350 for three hours per required instructor and contingent on the availability of instructors and boats. All private lessons use Flying Scots. 

Regisration Contact:
Mary Anne Sharer
Phone: 240-442-5476

After you have scheduled your lesson with Mary Anne Sharer, please use the link below to submit your required forms and payment:

Interested in Racing?

DCSS students who are learning to race or advancing their racing skills are invited to participate in Wednesday evening races; however, regular weekend racing requires membership in Deep Creek Yacht Racing Association (DCYRA). ​
All sailors must wear life jackets at all times while on or near the water.


The physical location of DCSS is different than our mailing address. The sailing school classroom is located on the first floor of Deep Creek Lake Sailing Association (DCLSA) clubhouse.  

Some classes are held at Deep Creek Yacht Club, Inc. (DCYC) Both clubs are located at the southern end of Deep Creek Lake.


Deep Creek Lake Sailing Association
204 Yacht Club Road
Swanton, MD 21561


Deep Creek Yacht Club
855 Shoreline Drive
Swanton, MD 21561